Where do most people get their dogs?
Where did you get your dog?
I’d like to hear from you.
Do you have a mixed-breed dog, or a purebred dog?
Where did you get your dog?
I own a black lab mix, as well as some people are under the perception that most mixed-breed dogs come from shelters. I’ve had people look at my dog as well as state to me, “Oh, bless you for adopting a rescue.”
But my dog is not a rescue dog. like most mutts, he’s never set foot in a shelter.
There are currently about 83.3 million pet dogs in U.S. households, according to the Humane society of the united states [1].
Like my mutt, most of these dogs will never go to a shelter.
An estimated 6 to 9 million dogs as well as cats go into U.S. shelters each year, according to the HSUS.
Even if we take the worst-case situation of 9 million, we have to presume cats comprise at least half that number.
That leaves us with 4.5 million dogs entering shelters each year on the high end. That would be about five percent of U.S. pet dogs entering shelters each year.
Of those dogs that do end up in shelters, 30 percent will be declared by their owners, according to the HSUS.
So where do most people get their dogs?
According to a 2011 research study by PetSmart Charities, the most typical method for people to obtain a dog is from a buddy or household member [2].
The research study likewise discovered that 19 percent of dog owners do get their dogs from adoption organizations like shelters or rescues, as well as 17 percent get their dogs from purebred breeders. other sources listed included taking in stray dogs or keeping a dog from a present dog’s litter.
I embraced my dog directly from his previous owner, as well as I understand this is exactly how many of us acquire our pets.
Sometimes we link with these owners with buddies as well as household members. sometimes we utilize Craigslist to embrace dogs.
Sometimes we discover our dogs as courtesy listings on rescue sites.
Adopting a dog directly from his previous owner worked out completely for me since I got to avoid the adoption process – the applications, house visits, references as well as fees. I got a free dog, as well as his previous owner got to be the one to authorize me. I’m permanently grateful to her.
So exactly how about you?
Do you have a mixed-breed dog, or a purebred dog?
Where did you get your dog?
1. Humane society of the United States. “Pets by the Numbers.” 2013. http://www.humanesociety.org/issues/pet_overpopulation/facts/pet_ownership_statistics.html
2. Campbell, Kelly. 2012. “Pet Adoption & Spay/Neuter: comprehending Public Perceptions by the Numers.” PetSmart Charities. page 11. http://petsmartcharities.org/sites/default/files/Ipsos-Webinar-11-27-12.pdf